Lack of Medical care as a result of Isolation, Ignorance,povetry or unegual  distribution of Medical and health Service, poor Access to clean and safe water 38 % use water from wells without  a pump and 20% use an unprotected well or spring .over 60% of the households does not have a latrine all this  has contributed to a rise of number of dealths and  hospital attendants in many districts  in Zanzibar .
Our organization solicits funds  and  donation to implememnt interventions to
Improve and extend preventive , Curative and clean water services to our target population..
Components under this program are:
1)Traditional wells protection and pump support.
2) Research  to places that needs boreholes
3) Bring water  near the villages (Distribution points)
4) Training of village  health workers.
5) Campaigns to construct pit latrines.
6) Construct Dispensisaries
7) Initiate Medical Revolving funds
8) Train Medical Personnel
9) Installation  of Radio  calls to facilities referrals.
10) Construct water Tanks
12) Train water pumps technicians.
11) Purchase and  Support water pumps.
For a Detailed  proposal please CONTACT US.
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You can also donate or pledge your support for a particular activity and make a big difference to our peoples lifes.